- Computational Complexity
- Introduction to R / basic programming.
- Introduction to Algorithms and basic concepts (e.g. sorting)
- Divide-and-Conquer Strategy.
- Linear Systems (Gaussian Elimination, Cholesky Decomposition etc.)
- Accept-Reject Scheme
- Rejection sampling and Envelope.
- Advanced Sampling Techniques:
- Monte Carlo Integration
- Importance Sampling, SIR, Adaptive Rejection Sampling.
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo.
- Basic Theory.
- Metropolis & Metropolis-Hastings.
- Gibbs sampler.
- Sampling strategies for Bayesian Inference.
Statistical Learning:
- Unsupervised and Supervised Learning.
- Examples.
- Bias-Variance Decomposition.
- Accuracy vs. Model Interpretability.
- K-nearest neighbour
- PCA.
- Modern Regression: (large \(p\), small \(n\): wide data)
- Basics - Geometry of Regression.
- Subset selection: forward selection/backward selection/Best subset - AIC.
- Shrinkage and Selection: Ridge, LASSO, Elastic Net.
- Cross-validation (general)
- Bayesian Lasso and Horseshoe.
- Principal Components Regression.
- Classification:
- Logistic Regression (with \(\ell_1\) penalty).
- LDA and QDA.
- Comparison.
- Decision Tree
- Bagging, Boosting.
- Bootstrap (general)
Random Forest.
Support Vector Machines.
Multidimensional Scaling.