April 3, 2020

Elastic Net

Two independent hidden factors \(z_1\) and \(z_2\):

n = 100
z_1 = runif(n,0,20); z_2 = runif(n,0,20)

Generate the response as \(y = z_1 + 0.1*z_2 + N(0,1)\)

y = z_1 + 0.1*z_2 + rnorm(n)

Observe predictors: \[ x_1 = z_1 + \epsilon_1, x_2 = -z_1 + \epsilon_2, x_3 = z_1 + \epsilon_3 \\ x_4 = z_2 + \epsilon_4, x_5 = -z_2 + \epsilon_5, x_6 = z_2 + \epsilon_6 \]

x_1 = z_1 + rnorm(n); x_2 = -z_1 + rnorm(n); x_3 = z_1 + rnorm(n)
x_4 = z_2 + rnorm(n);x_5 = -z_2 + rnorm(n);x_6 = z_2 + rnorm(n)
x = cbind(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4,x_5,x_6)

Run Lasso

lasso.fit <- lars(x=x,y=y)
plot(lasso.fit, breaks = F)

Run Elastic Net

en.fit <- enet(x=x,y=y, lambda = 1)
plot(en.fit, use.color = T, main = "Elastic Net")

Bayesian Regularization

Bayesian Lasso

We will look at the same simulation experiment with \(p = 60 > n = 30\) where the parameter vector \(\beta\) is sparse.

We ask: Does Bayesian Lasso produce the same solution as Lasso?

Simulation Experiments

  • Generate \(X\), \(y\) with \(n = 30, p = 60\) with a sparse \(\beta\) vector with 5 non-zero elements.
p1 = 5
beta <- c(rep(3,p1),rep(0,p-p1))
fx = x %*% beta
  • Our goal is to see if Lasso can recover the 5 non-zero \(\beta\)’s correctly.

Lasso is sparse

lasso.mod =glmnet(x,y,alpha =1,lambda =grid)
## Warning in regularize.values(x, y, ties, missing(ties)): collapsing to unique
## 'x' values

Choosing Lambda

cv.out =cv.glmnet(x,y,alpha =1)
(bestlam =cv.out$lambda.min)
## [1] 0.08295634

Sparse Solution

lasso.coef=predict(lasso.mod,type ="coefficients",s=bestlam)
lasso.coef[lasso.coef !=0]
## <sparse>[ <logic> ] : .M.sub.i.logical() maybe inefficient
## [1]  0.01459650  2.85670247  2.92947327  2.88166521  2.85101983  2.96229890
## [7] -0.01440246
  • Use which function to get rid of the warning message
## [1]  0.01459650  2.85670247  2.92947327  2.88166521  2.85101983  2.96229890
## [7] -0.01440246

LASSO correctly recovers the signals

col.index = c(rep(2,p1),rep(3,p-p1))
plot(lasso.coef[-1], col = col.index, pch = 15)

Bayesian Lasso



Inference for ordinary least squares, lasso/NG, horseshoe and ridge regression models by (Gibbs) sampling from the Bayesian posterior distribution, augmented with Reversible Jump for model selection.

blasso(X, y, T = 1000, thin = NULL, RJ = TRUE, M = NULL,
       beta = NULL, lambda2 = 1, s2 = var(y-mean(y)),
       case = c("default", "ridge", "hs", "ng"), mprior = 0, rd = NULL,
       ab = NULL, theta = 0, rao.s2 = TRUE, icept = TRUE, 
       normalize = TRUE, verb = 1)



Inference for ordinary least squares, lasso/NG, horseshoe and ridge regression models by (Gibbs) sampling from the Bayesian posterior distribution, augmented with Reversible Jump for model selection


bhs(X, y, T=1000, thin=NULL, RJ=TRUE, M=NULL, beta=NULL,
         lambda2=1, s2=var(y-mean(y)), mprior=0, ab=NULL,
         theta=0, rao.s2=TRUE, icept=TRUE, normalize=TRUE, verb=1)
bridge(X, y, T = 1000, thin = NULL, RJ = TRUE, M = NULL,
       beta = NULL, lambda2 = 1, s2 = var(y-mean(y)), mprior = 0,
       rd = NULL, ab = NULL, theta=0, rao.s2 = TRUE, icept = TRUE,
       normalize = TRUE, verb = 1)
blasso(X, y, T = 1000, thin = NULL, RJ = TRUE, M = NULL,
       beta = NULL, lambda2 = 1, s2 = var(y-mean(y)),
       case = c("default", "ridge", "hs", "ng"), mprior = 0, rd = NULL,
       ab = NULL, theta = 0, rao.s2 = TRUE, icept = TRUE, 
       normalize = TRUE, verb = 1)



data.frame, matrix, or vector of inputs X


vector of output responses y of length equal to the leading dimension (rows) of X, i.e., length(y) == nrow(X)


total number of MCMC samples to be collected


number of MCMC samples to skip before a sample is collected (via thinning). If NULL (default), then thin is determined based on the regression model implied by RJ, lambda2, and ncol(X); and also on the errors model implied by theta and nrow(X)


if TRUE then model selection on the columns of the design matrix (and thus the parameter beta in the model) is performed by Reversible Jump (RJ) MCMC. The initial model is specified by the beta input, described below, and the maximal number of covariates in the model is specified by M


the maximal number of allowed covariates (columns of X) in the model. If input lambda2 > 0 then any M <= ncol(X) is allowed. Otherwise it must be that M <= min(ncol(X), length(y)-1), which is default value when a NULL argument is given


initial setting of the regression coefficients. Any zero-components will imply that the corresponding covariate (column of X) is not in the initial model. When input RJ = FALSE (no RJ) and lambda2 > 0 (use lasso) then no components are allowed to be exactly zero. The default setting is therefore contextual; see below for details


square of the initial lasso penalty parameter. If zero, then least squares regressions are used


initial variance parameter


specifies if ridge regression, the Normal-Gamma, or the horseshoe prior should be done instead of the lasso; only meaningful when lambda2 > 0


prior on the number of non-zero regression coefficients (and therefore covariates) m in the model. The default (mprior = 0) encodes the uniform prior on 0 <= m <= M. A scalar value 0 < mprior < 1 implies a Binomial prior Bin(m|n=M,p=mprior). A 2-vector mprior=c(g,h) of positive values g and h represents gives Bin(m|n=M,p) prior where p~Beta(g,h)


=c(r, delta), the alpha (shape) parameter and beta (rate) parameter to the gamma distribution prior G(r,delta) for the lambda2 parameter under the lasso model; or, the alpha (shape) parameter and beta (scale) parameter to the inverse-gamma distribution IG(r/2, delta/2) prior for the lambda2 parameter under the ridge regression model. A default of NULL generates appropriate non-informative values depending on the nature of the regression. Specifying rd=FALSE causes lambda2 values to be fixed at their starting value, i.e., not sampled. See the details below for information on the special settings for ridge regression


=c(a, b), the alpha (shape) parameter and the beta (scale) parameter for the inverse-gamma distribution prior IG(a,b) for the variance parameter s2. A default of NULL generates appropriate non-informative values depending on the nature of the regression


the rate parameter (> 0) to the exponential prior on the degrees of freedom paramter nu under a model with Student-t errors implemented by a scale-mixture prior. The default setting of theta = 0 turns off this prior, defaulting to a normal errors prior


indicates whether Rao-Blackwellized samples for s^2 should be used (default TRUE); see below for more details


if TRUE, an implicit intercept term is fit in the model, otherwise the the intercept is zero; default is TRUE


if TRUE, each variable is standardized to have unit L2-norm, otherwise it is left alone; default is TRUE


verbosity level; currently only verb = 0 and verb = 1 are supported


The Bayesian lasso model and Gibbs Sampling algorithm is described in detail in Park & Casella (2008). The algorithm implemented by this function is identical to that described therein, with the exception of an added “option” to use a Rao-Blackwellized sample of s^2 (with beta integrated out) for improved mixing, and the model selections by RJ described below. When input argument lambda2 = 0 is supplied, the model is a simple hierarchical linear model where (beta,s2) is given a Jeffrey’s prior

Specifying RJ = TRUE causes Bayesian model selection and averaging to commence for choosing which of the columns of the design matrix X (and thus parameters beta) should be included in the model. The zero-components of the beta input specify which columns are in the initial model, and M specifies the maximal number of columns.

The RJ mechanism implemented here for the Bayesian lasso model selection differs from the one described by Hans (2009), which is based on an idea from Geweke (1996). Those methods require departing from the Park & Casella (2008) latent-variable model and requires sampling from each conditional beta[i] | beta[-i], … for all i, since a mixture prior with a point-mass at zero is placed on each beta[i]. Out implementation here requires no such special prior and retains the joint sampling from the full beta vector of non-zero entries, which we believe yields better mixing in the Markov chain. RJ proposals to increase/decrease the number of non-zero entries does proceed component-wise, but the acceptance rates are high due due to marginalized between-model moves (Troughton & Godsill, 1997).

When the lasso prior or RJ is used, the automatic thinning level (unless thin != NULL) is determined by the number of columns of X since this many latent variables are introduced

Bayesian ridge regression is implemented as a special case via the bridge function. This essentially calls blasso with case = “ridge”. A default setting of rd = c(0,0) is implied by rd = NULL, giving the Jeffery’s prior for the penalty parameter lambda^2 unless ncol(X) >= length(y) in which case the proper specification of rd = c(5,10) is used instead.

The Normal–Gamma prior (Griffin & Brown, 2009) is implemented as an extension to the Bayesian lasso with case = “ng”. Many thanks to James Scott for providing the code needed to extend the method(s) to use the horseshoe prior (Carvalho, Polson, Scott, 2010).

When theta > 0 then the Student-t errors via scale mixtures (and thereby extra latent variables omega2) of Geweke (1993) is applied as an extension to the Bayesian lasso/ridge model. If Student-t errors are used the automatic thinning level is augmented (unless thin != NULL) by the number of rows in X since this many latent variables are introduced


blasso returns an object of class “blasso”, which is a list containing a copy of all of the input arguments as well as of the components listed below.


a copy of the function call as used


a vector of T samples of the (un-penalized) “intercept” parameter


a T*ncol(X) matrix of T samples from the (penalized) regression coefficients


the number of non-zero entries in each vector of T samples of beta


a vector of T samples of the variance parameter


a vector of T samples of the penalty parameter


a vector of T with the gamma parameter when case = “ng”


a T*ncol(X) matrix of T samples from the (latent) inverse diagonal of the prior covariance matrix for beta, obtained for Lasso regressions


a T*nrow(X) matrix of T samples from the (latent) diagonal of the covariance matrix of the response providing a scale-mixture implementation of Student-t errors with degrees of freedom nu when active (input theta > 0)


a vector of T samples of the degrees of freedom parameter to the Student-t errors mode when active (input theta > 0)


a vector of T samples of the Binomial proportion p that was given a Beta prior, as described above for the 2-vector version of the mprior input


the log posterior probability of each (saved) sample of the joint parameters


the log likelihood of each (saved) sample of the parameters


the log likelihood of each (saved) sample of the parameters under the Normal errors model when sampling under the Student-t model; i.e., it is not present unless theta > 0


Whenever ncol(X) >= nrow(X) it must be that either RJ = TRUE with M <= nrow(X)-1 (the default) or that the lasso is turned on with lambda2 > 0. Otherwise the regression problem is ill-posed.

Since the starting values are considered to be first sample (of T), the total number of (new) samples obtained by Gibbs Sampling will be T-1


Robert B. Gramacy rbg@vt.edu


Park, T., Casella, G. (2008). The Bayesian Lasso.
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103(482), June 2008, pp. 681-686

Griffin, J.E. and Brown, P.J. (2009). Inference with Normal-Gamma prior distributions in regression problems. Bayesian Analysis, 5, pp. 171-188.

Hans, C. (2009). Bayesian Lasso regression. Biometrika 96, pp. 835-845.

Carvalho, C.M., Polson, N.G., and Scott, J.G. (2010) The horseshoe estimator for sparse signals. Biometrika 97(2): pp. 465-480.

Geweke, J. (1996). Variable selection and model comparison in regression. In Bayesian Statistics 5. Editors: J.M. Bernardo, J.O. Berger, A.P. Dawid and A.F.M. Smith, 609-620. Oxford Press.

Paul T. Troughton and Simon J. Godsill (1997). A reversible jump sampler for autoregressive time series, employing full conditionals to achieve efficient model space moves. Technical Report CUED/F-INFENG/TR.304, Cambridge University Engineering Department.

Geweke, J. (1993) Bayesian treatment of the independent Student-t linear model. Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 8, S19-S40


See Also

lm , lars in the lars package, regress, lm.ridge in the MASS package


## following the lars diabetes example

## Ordinary Least Squares regression
reg.ols <- regress(x, y)

## Lasso regression
reg.las <- regress(x, y, method="lasso")

## Bayesian Lasso regression
reg.blas <- blasso(x, y)

## summarize the beta (regression coefficients) estimates
plot(reg.blas, burnin=200)
points(drop(reg.las$b), col=2, pch=20)
points(drop(reg.ols$b), col=3, pch=18)
legend("topleft", c("blasso-map", "lasso", "lsr"),
       col=c(2,2,3), pch=c(21,20,18))

## plot the size of different models visited
plot(reg.blas, burnin=200, which="m")

## get the summary
s <- summary(reg.blas, burnin=200)

## calculate the probability that each beta coef != zero

## summarize s2
plot(reg.blas, burnin=200, which="s2")

## summarize lambda2
plot(reg.blas, burnin=200, which="lambda2")

## Not run: 
## fit with Student-t errors
## (~400-times slower due to automatic thinning level)
regt.blas <- blasso(x, y, theta=0.1)

## plotting some information about nu, and quantiles
plot(regt.blas, "nu", burnin=200)
quantile(regt.blas$nu[-(1:200)], c(0.05, 0.95))

## Bayes Factor shows strong evidence for Student-t model
mean(exp(regt.blas$llik[-(1:200)] - regt.blas$llik.norm[-(1:200)]))

## End(Not run)

## clean up

[Package monomvn version 1.9-13 Index]

Apply Bayesian Lasso to sparse data

## Lasso regression
reg.las <- regress(x, y, method="lasso")
## Bayesian Lasso regression
reg.blas <- blasso(x, y)
## t=100, m=7
## t=200, m=8
## t=300, m=6
## t=400, m=7
## t=500, m=5
## t=600, m=7
## t=700, m=9
## t=800, m=8
## t=900, m=10

Visualize \(\hat{\beta}\)

plot(reg.blas, burnin=200) 
points(drop(reg.las$b), col=3, pch=20) 
legend("topright", c("blasso-map", "lasso"), col=c(2,3), pch=c(20,18))

Model Dimensions

We can plot the size of different models visited:

plot(reg.blas, burnin=200, which="m")

Get the summary

The summary contains useful information about the fit.

s <- summary(reg.blas, burnin=200)
##  [1] "call"    "B"       "T"       "thin"    "coef"    "s2"      "lambda2"
##  [8] "tau2i"   "bn0"     "m"

Calculate \(P(\beta_i \ne 0 \mid y_i)\)

This is called posterior inclusion probability.

##     b.1     b.2     b.3     b.4     b.5     b.6     b.7     b.8     b.9    b.10 
## 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.17875 0.02500 0.02750 0.03500 0.01875 
##    b.11    b.12    b.13    b.14    b.15    b.16    b.17    b.18    b.19    b.20 
## 0.09625 0.06500 0.03000 0.03125 0.01250 0.02500 0.04250 0.05375 0.02500 0.08125 
##    b.21    b.22    b.23    b.24    b.25    b.26    b.27    b.28    b.29    b.30 
## 0.01875 0.03625 0.04625 0.12125 0.02875 0.09125 0.03000 0.02500 0.02750 0.01875 
##    b.31    b.32    b.33    b.34    b.35    b.36    b.37    b.38    b.39    b.40 
## 0.02625 0.03000 0.02375 0.01625 0.02500 0.17125 0.01250 0.01750 0.01875 0.06125 
##    b.41    b.42    b.43    b.44    b.45    b.46    b.47    b.48    b.49    b.50 
## 0.01375 0.04250 0.03250 0.02250 0.01875 0.03125 0.02250 0.03125 0.03250 0.01250 
##    b.51    b.52    b.53    b.54    b.55    b.56    b.57    b.58    b.59    b.60 
## 0.03125 0.02250 0.04375 0.02000 0.03625 0.08125 0.08250 0.18375 0.03875 0.02500

Inclusion Prob and Estimates

plot(apply(reg.blas$beta,2,median),pch=15,col="red", ylab = expression(beta), main = "Estimates")
plot(s$bn0,pch=15,col="red",main = "Inclusion probabilty")

Summarize s2

s2 is the estimates of the variance parameter.

plot(reg.blas, burnin=200, which="s2") 

##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
## 0.002604 0.007799 0.010321 0.011233 0.013492 0.045940

Summarize lambda2

plot(reg.blas, burnin=200, which="lambda2")

##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
## 2.096e-05 1.177e-04 1.936e-04 2.506e-04 3.017e-04 1.515e-03

Bayesian Ridge

## Ridge regression
reg.ridge <- regress(x, y, method="ridge")
## Bayesian Ridge
reg.bridge <- bridge(x, y)
## t=100, m=5
## t=200, m=6
## t=300, m=6
## t=400, m=5
## t=500, m=9
## t=600, m=8
## t=700, m=6
## t=800, m=6
## t=900, m=8

Visualize \(\hat{\beta}\)

plot(reg.bridge, burnin=200) 
points(drop(reg.ridge$b), col=3, pch=18) 
legend("topright", c("b-ridge", "ridge"), col=c(2,3), pch=c(21,18))

Model Dimensions

We can plot the size of different models visited:

plot(reg.bridge, burnin=200, which="m")

Calculate \(P(\beta_i \ne 0 \mid y_i)\)

This is called posterior inclusion probability.

sridge <- summary(reg.bridge, burnin=200)
##     b.1     b.2     b.3     b.4     b.5     b.6     b.7     b.8     b.9    b.10 
## 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.11875 0.01875 0.01000 0.02125 0.01625 
##    b.11    b.12    b.13    b.14    b.15    b.16    b.17    b.18    b.19    b.20 
## 0.05125 0.03750 0.01250 0.01500 0.00875 0.01500 0.03500 0.01750 0.00625 0.04625 
##    b.21    b.22    b.23    b.24    b.25    b.26    b.27    b.28    b.29    b.30 
## 0.01875 0.00625 0.02000 0.07250 0.01250 0.04625 0.01125 0.01500 0.01375 0.02375 
##    b.31    b.32    b.33    b.34    b.35    b.36    b.37    b.38    b.39    b.40 
## 0.01250 0.00750 0.00875 0.02375 0.02125 0.11125 0.01625 0.01625 0.01250 0.02375 
##    b.41    b.42    b.43    b.44    b.45    b.46    b.47    b.48    b.49    b.50 
## 0.00625 0.01250 0.00750 0.01125 0.01500 0.01250 0.00750 0.02250 0.01375 0.01625 
##    b.51    b.52    b.53    b.54    b.55    b.56    b.57    b.58    b.59    b.60 
## 0.01250 0.01375 0.01000 0.01625 0.01125 0.05250 0.03375 0.11875 0.01750 0.01125


plot(apply(reg.blas$beta,2,median),pch=15,col="red", ylab = expression(beta), main = "Estimates")
plot(s$bn0,pch=15,col="red",main = "Inclusion probabilty")


  • Another option in monomovn package is “hs” or horseshoe.
  • Horseshoe prior was proposed by Carvalho, Polson and Scott (2010) for sparse signal recovery.
  • Horseshoe prior improves on the Laplace prior used for Bayesian Lasso when the underlying data is nearly-black.
  • R package horseshoe, monomvn, bayeslm etc.

Horseshoe R package

hs.fit <- horseshoe(y = y, X = x)
## [1] 1000
## [1] 2000
## [1] 3000
## [1] 4000
## [1] 5000
## [1] 6000


Plot predicted values against the observed data

plot(y, x%*%hs.fit$BetaHat) 

Variable Selection

HS.var.select(hs.fit, y, method = "intervals") #selected betas
##  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## [39] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ideally, none of the \(\beta\)’s are selected (all zeros).

##  [1]  2.606551576  2.920110161  2.872554992  2.573464395  2.973175460
##  [6] -0.021937556  0.040688959  0.051094734 -0.064928378 -0.038450057
## [11] -0.071058918  0.023833711  0.026177368  0.017503236 -0.062076542
## [16] -0.030968404 -0.109550924  0.029579148 -0.104042494  0.042565407
## [21]  0.019751892  0.043420748  0.044204212  0.012816519  0.024138093
## [26]  0.061401105  0.008334304 -0.105976040  0.005497919  0.018254041
## [31]  0.048566326  0.016378255 -0.051408640  0.013240816 -0.026446383
## [36] -0.003462465 -0.057002530  0.036310453 -0.057022396  0.068462103
## [41]  0.004136631  0.019562222  0.043181354  0.037692185 -0.146051610
## [46] -0.003841910  0.001771495 -0.037977355  0.048031345 -0.094358888
## [51]  0.089803424  0.097659900 -0.045467983  0.056208979  0.019866935
## [56]  0.034633965 -0.056560161 -0.064772433 -0.074387391 -0.070699733

Credible Intervals

Plot the credible intervals

xYplot(Cbind(hs.fit$BetaHat, hs.fit$LeftCI, hs.fit$RightCI) ~ 1:60)