Nonparametric Statistics

A better name for this topic is distribution-free Statistics, as we would like to call it. Here are some of the R tutorials in markdown format that I have written for this class.

Most of these examples were collected from various sources / books etc. and I have tried to give credits for each of them. However, if you notice something with a missing citation or you think should not be here, please let me know at

This website is for class purposes only.


  1. Motivation for Nonparametric methods.
  2. Review of univariate probability & central limit theorem.
  3. Review of parametric inference: Point & interval estimation and Hypothesis testing (P-value).
  4. Tests of randomness**
  5. Tests of goodness of fit (Chi square goodness-of-fit tests. Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit tests, Lilliefors test for Normality).
  6. One-sample and paired-sample procedures (Sign test & the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, normal approximation and continuity correction, calculation of exact P-values).
  7. Two-sample problem: Location model, scale model, Permutation test, The Wilcoxon rank-sum test /Mann-Whitney U test, Discuss K-S test for two samples, Calculation of exact P-value and normal approximation. (Equivalence of rank-sum & Mann-Whitney U test). Distribution-free property of Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Statistics and Asymptotic distribution (Brownian Bridge).
  8. Test for scale model: Siegel-Tukey & similar tests* Additional topics: Linear rank tests, van der Waerden test, Asymptotic Relative Efficiency, Randomized Test.
  9. Tests of equality of K distributions (Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA)
  10. Various nonparametric measures of association (Kendall’s \(\tau\), Spearman’s \(\rho\)).
  11. Measures of association in multiple classifications.
  12. Bootstrap & other resampling techniques*
  13. Analysis of count data*

R Demos

  1. Quantile transformation, Random Variable Generation using QT, QQplot and Goodness of fit Examples in R
  2. Wilcoxon signed rank test and QQplots/GoF demo Examples
  3. One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): Examples in R
  4. ANOVA in R Demo in ioslides presentation.
  5. Tests for trends and associations R Examples, More examples
  6. Bootstrap R Examples
  7. Chi-square tests R Examples
  8. Kernel Density Estimation R Examples