This document outlines the slice sampling strategy from the Gauss Hypergeometric distribution in the context of inference for a high dimensional sparse Poisson mean as decribed in the following paper:
Bayesian Inference on Quasi-sparse Count Data: Datta, J and Dunson, D. (2016+)
The first strategy is to use the exponential slice sampling for drawing samples from the Gauss Hypergeometric distribution for fixed values of the hyper-parameters γ and τ2. As Datta and Dunson (2016+) noted, the γ parameter acts as a threshold to separate the low counts from the high counts that are true signals, and the τ2 acts as a global shrinkage parameter that adjusts to the overall sparsity in the data.
The Gauss-Hypergeometric prior is pseudo-conjugate in the sense that it produces a Gauss-Hypergeometric posterior when combined with a negative binomial likelihood. Recall that a negative binomial likelihood results when we put a Gamma prior on a Poisson rate parameter.
Our hierarchical model is: Yi∼NegBin(α,1−κi)≡p(yi|κi,α)∝(1−κi)yiκαip(κi|τ2,γ)∝κa−1i(1−κi)b−1(1+κi(τ2−1))−γ
For modelling sparse count data, we recommend a=b=12, which results in the posterior: p(κi|yi,γ,τ2,α)∝κα−1/2i(1−κi)yi−1/2(1+κi(τ2−1))−γ
We use the Laplace transformation to write: {1+κi(τ2−1)}−γ∝∫∞0exp[{(1+κi(τ2−1))}ωi]ωγ−1iΓ(γ)dωi We have an augmented joint posterior: p(˜κ,˜ω|τ2,γ,α)∝e−∑(1−(1−τ2)κi)ωin∏i=1κα−1/2i(1−κi)yi−1/2ωγ−ii Using another set of slice variables ˜u=(u1,…,un) on the set {0≤ui≤exp(κiωi(1−τ2))}, we have a joint posterior: p(˜κ,˜ω,˜u|τ2,γ,α)∝e−∑ωin∏i=1κα−1/2i(1−κi)yi−1/2I{0≤ui≤exp(κiωi(1−τ2))} ωγ−ii Now, all the conditionals are available in the closed form: κi∼Beta(α+1/2,y+1/2)I(0≤κi≤log(ui)ωi(1−τ2))ωi∼Gamma(γ,1−(1−τ2)κi)ui∼Unif(0,exp(κiωi(1−τ2)))
We use the R package “truncdist” for drawing from a truncated distribution:
if ("truncdist" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) {
install.packages("truncdist", repos = "")
## sampling from gauss hypergeometric posterior for given tau-sq and gamma
rGaussHG <- function(r, y, gamma, t2, alpha) {
p = length(y)
k = rep(1/4, p)
K = matrix(0, p, r)
Omega = matrix(0, p, r)
U = matrix(0, p, r)
TH = matrix(0, p, r)
for (i in 1:r) {
omega = rgamma(p, shape = gamma, rate = k * (t2 - 1) + 1)
u = runif(p, 0, exp(omega * k * (1 - t2)))
s1 = rep(alpha + 1/2, p)
s2 = y + 1/2
if (t2 < 1) {
lb = pmax(log(u)/(omega * (1 - t2)), 0)
ub = rep(1, p)
} else {
ub = pmin(log(1/u)/(omega * (t2 - 1)), 1)
lb = rep(0, p)
k = rtrunc(p, "beta", a = lb, b = ub, shape1 = s1, shape2 = s2)
theta = rgamma(p, y + 1, 1/(1 - k))
K[, i] = k
Omega[, i] = omega
U[, i] = u
TH[, i] = theta
list(K = K, U = U, TH = TH)
We can also evaluate the posterior density since we know the normalizing constant and validate if the samples drawn using the sampling scheme above are indeed following the Gauss Hypergeometric distribution.
vf21hyper = Vectorize(f21hyper)
dGaussHG <- function(x,a,b,c,z){
C = beta(a,b)*vf21hyper(c,a,a+b,-z)
den = x^(a-1)*(1-x)^(b-1)*(1+z*x)^(-c)
The function “rGaussHG” returns the samples drawn from the posterior and the function “dGaussHG” returns the density values for a chosen value or sequence of κi’s.
kappa.vals = seq(0.01,1,length.out = 10000)
tau.sq = 0.05; a = 1/2; b = 1/2; z = tau.sq - 1
y.set = c(2,5); gamma.set = c(2,5)
for(i in 1:2){
for (j in 1:2){
y = y.set[i]; gamma = gamma.set[j]
dpost <- dGaussHG(kappa.vals,a+1/2,y+b,gamma,z)
ans = rGaussHG(10000,y,gamma,tau.sq,a)
rpost <- ans$K
ymax = max(dpost)
hist(rpost,freq=F,col=rgb(0,1,0,0.5),ylim=c(0,ymax+0.5), xlim=c(0,1),
xlab = expression(kappa) ,ylab = "density", main = paste("y =", y, ", gamma =", gamma, sep =" "))
title(main = "Histogram of the posterior samples and true GH density",outer=T)